Rasa - Tridosha Facial Serum
$41.99Rehydrate, repair, refresh
Turmeric . Brahmi . Moringa
A lightweight natural tridoshic (all skin types) facial serum based on ayurvedic principles almost 5000 years old and a blend of 21 highly nourishing herbs, cold pressed moringa oil and other natural oils that aid in strengthening and revitalizing the skin. RASA is sure to provide an extra boost to tired and aging skin by stimulating skin cells. A fine natural cosmetic, made in Canada.
Natural. Harmful chemical free, paraben free and animal cruelty free.
A fine Ayurvedic and natural skin care product by Kalp - Handcrafted/Made in Canada
How to use
Although this product is designed for use on all skin doshas (“tri-dosha), this serum is almost entirely comprised of essential oils, and therefore it’s important to determine what amount of Rasa will best compliment your skin.
PITTA 1 pump, twice/day| VATA 1 pump, twice/day | KAPHA 0.5 pump, twice/day
Step 1. Rinse face with water (and/or Alepa (formerly Ubtan) if detoxifying).
Step 2. Gently massage dosha-specified amount of Rasa serum onto (slightly) moist skin, evenly applying in a thin layer using circular motions.
Step 3. Reapply at the end of your day during your nighttime routine or after your Alepa detox.
Sérum facial Tridosha
Réhydrate, répare, rafraîchit
Curcuma, brahmi, moringa
Un sérum facial léger tridoshic (pour tous les types de peau) basé sur les principes ayurvédiques datant de près de cinq mille ans et un mélange de vingt-et-une herbes et huiles nourissantes aidant à renforcer et à revitaliser la peau. RASA procurera certainement un effet supplémentaire à la peau fatiguée et
Vieillissante en stimulant les cellules de la peau, réduisant la rougeur ainsi que les ridules et en équilibrant le teint en général.
100% naturel, sans produits chimiques, sans parabène et sans cruauté envers les animaux.